Pregnancy Wellbeing Support
Our free pregnancy wellbeing support group is a friendly, informal group of up to 8 attendees, offering a safe space to talk with others and find peer support. It is facilitated by Jo Lederer, a qualified and experienced antenatal teacher and postnatal practitioner with many years’ experience supporting mums and dads as they become parents, and Helen Hunt, a qualified antenatal teacher and experienced local midwife.
The group meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month, 5.00-6.30.
Please note, we also have a Dads/Dads to be group emotional wellbeing group running once a month too. Details can be found here.
You can come to as many or as few sessions as you like. There will be discussion/sharing as much or as little as you like and some relaxation/movement to finish with if time allows.
Your employer is obligated to enable you to attend.
Groups are held at The Woodpecker, Evesham Road, WR7 4QL.
Please email for referral form -

Wellbeing One to One Support
At our lovely venue near Spetchley.
(We are also able to arrangehome visits, Zoom or telephone support. Dates and times dependent on availability).
Book an appointment to talk one-to-one to our experienced postnatal specialist, Jo, about any issues or worries you are experiencing after having a baby.
What might an appointment include?
A session will be completely tailored to your needs. You may find that just one session is all you need, or you may choose to have a number of sessions to support you as you negotiate your way through a challenging period. You may need to talk about something specific that is troubling you, or you may want to talk very generally about how you're feeling.
Some of the common areas we support with are: difficult or traumatic birth experiences, low confidence, anxiety, low mood, bonding difficulties, understanding your baby(ies), signposting/referring to specialist services.
Birth Reflections
Birth, feeding and early parenting experiences can be challenging. For some, the experience leaves them feeling hurt, confused, disappointed, numb, anxious, traumatised. We can offer a birth reflections session to mums and dads/partners who feel they would benefit from telling their story, being listened to, and supported in reflecting on what happened and how they feel.
Talking can really help.
Please note that this not a clinical birth debrief or a trauma treatment. Please ask your midwife, health visitor or GP if you feel you need more specialist support. We can talk to you about these options.
Babies up to a year old are welcome to attend with you.
For more information, or to request a self-referral form, please email:
This clinic is generously funded by The Eveson Trust

Postnatal Emotional Wellbeing Support
Our relaxed and friendly support groups are free to attend and meet at our lovely venue near Spetchley
The second and fourth Tuesdays of the month
10.00-12.00 for mums with crawling/mobile babies up to age 2
1.00-3.00pm for mums with pre-mobile babies
Aimed at women experiencing mild to moderate mental health difficulties in the postnatal period, the groups offer a supportive and nurturing space to talk openly with others in a similar situation. The group is free to attend
The group is facilitated by Jo Lederer, Becoming Families' Postnatal Specialist and supported by a volunteer with lived experience of postnatal mental health difficulties.
For more information, or to request a self-referral form, please email:
This group is generously funded by the National Lottery, The Saturday Hospital Saturday Fund and Comic Relief.